Free Sewing Ebook

sewing_miniThe crafty ladies at Fave Crafts recently came out with another FREE ebook.  Yes, I said FREE.  You all love free don’t you?  The ebook features 25 different sewing projects compiled by bloggers.  My pillow sewing project (which I have shared here before) is being featured.  The most exciting part?  See that beautiful teal pillow with darling flower embellishment on the cover?  That would be my pillow, sitting on my couch, in my living room.  Yep, pretty excited it made the cover. 

So enough about me and my excitement.  There are oodles of great ideas, way better than anything I could ever think of.  We are talking aprons, bags, monograms…I have also found some great blogs through these ebook contributors.  

Click here to get the FREE download.  And get sewing.  The holidays are here.  Yikes.


  1. First, hope your feeling better, next, congrats on you pillow making the cover!! I ran right over and downloaded the book. Thanks for the great tip and I will enjoy sewing up a storm!! Happy December 1st!

  2. woo hoo on making the cover!! thanks for posting this--now i can really get to know my new sewing machine!! :o)

  3. Thanks for the link, Ashley! I hope it has some projects that a beginner like me can do!! :)

  4. How is it that I've never heard of this website?!? Thank you so much for sharing ~ I can't wait to download the eBook. And congrats on making the cover! :o)

  5. Congrats on getting published AND making the cover! Never heard of the site or the book, going to download it right now!

  6. Congratulations that is awesome and GREat PILLOW! Love it!

  7. How exciting! I'm going to have to check it out, if for no other reason, to see this pillow in "print".
