Five Years Ago…

rivercatsWe started this adventure…CIMG3059Little did I know you would be the man of my dreams…CIMG4047We went on dates…and you always paid…apple hill lakeYou opened doors for me…and made me laugh…CIMG6459Wrote me notes…and taught me how to ride the dirt bike…  bikingProtected and romanced me the way a girl deserves…making me feel like a princess…CIMG9115And here we are five years later…celebrating and bringing to a close our dating anniversary…stinson bwOnly to continue celebrating for the rest of our lives…   

I love you Brent.  You are my greatest adventure.



  1. what a sweet post!! those pics are so beautiful...and that cookie looks pretty darn good too!! :o)

  2. Congratulations, he seems like a keeper!

  3. Congrats. I love to hear about your love story. It brings hope to those of us who are still waiting.

  4. So sweet. I always get a little mushy and teary-eyed when I read your lovey-dovey posts. You guys are the most precious couple, and I pray for you a long, blessed life together. ((hugs)) And, I didn't comment yesterday, but those aprons were FAB! oooh, so cute!

  5. congratulations. time only goes faster as the years pass.

  6. Awwwwww!! Congratulations you guys!

  7. Yep -- he's definitely a keeper! Congrats on five happy years together!

  8. What a super sweet post! :) I loved seeing your pics too! Time flies to fast and it's great to stop and appreciate the milestones and reflect. I was just doing the same thing today but with the changes in our home. A little different but it made me appreciate the journey and not just the destination!

    BTW-I won one of your fun giveaway and now I wanted to share my $50 Decor Giveaway with you and your readers. Just click this link to enter:

  9. What a wonderful post! Happy 5 years! Kelly

  10. Awww, this brought tears to my eyes. I love it that someone else celebrates their dating anniversary--dh and I recently celebrated our THIRTIETH.

    Keep on celebrating them ;-)

  11. That's just beautiful. I am nearing 5 years with my own boyfriend, and wouldn't you know it, we just went ring shopping the other day =) Congratulations to you both!!
