Chocolate Peanut Butter Dip :: Deceptively Delicious

I am in my third week of cooking through Deceptively Delicious.  This week was chocolate peanut butter dip.  The secret :: carrot puree.  Very delicious…very rich.  A perfect dip with apples.  Or to be made into a cheesecake.  I’m just saying. 
For a lighter {calorie and on the stomach} option I think it would be super amazing to trade out the cream cheese with cool whip light.  I could probably down the whole thing on my own that way {wink}.
Another amazing dip?  Cool whip and marshmallow cream.  Not deceptive though. 
Any good fruit dip recipes to share?


  1. sounds like a great dip.. apples, celery or even strawberries.. Thanks for sharing this great recipes!

  2. My kiddos favorite dip is cream cheese, brown sugar, and toffee chips. It might not be healthy - but they'll eat their carrots straight up.

  3. YUM!!! I so need to bust that recipe book out and try some of those purees. I used my (grandmother's) food processor for the first time last summer, and it really wasn't hard to do.

  4. Looks delicious.
    I get hungry every time I come here :)
    You are giving me something fun to work on at home.
    Will try it.

  5. That's making me want to go eat that emergency reese's peanut butter cup in the kitchen! =) That definitely looks like a recipe I want to try.

  6. Yummy! I’ve had one kind of like the cool whip and marshmallow one you mentioned but it was cream cheese and marshmallow cream. It’s sinful!

    Kendra aka “Domestic Princess in Training”

  7. Thanks for sharing! I have been trying to find a peanut buttery dip for a while that's lighter (in both senses) and could be an everyday kinda snack. This has potential (in small quantities anyway), but being a bit of a carrot hater, I don't know if I could do this one... is it at all "carroty"?

  8. I work with a girl that only eats whole foods and is constantly pointing out stuff that isn't real food. She's nice and trim and eats like a horse. Makes me wonder if all that diet food (AKA full of man made ingredients) I grew up eating have contributed to my weight problems.
