Navigating Our Next Unknown Destination

In light of my recent announcement that we are moving later this year, I thought I would share a few thoughts I had jotted down in my travel journal.  I recently finished a photo book from our trip to Victoria, Canada last October for our anniversary and was using my travel journal to add details about our vacation.  It is interesting to read my thoughts on travel, seeing the world, and living simply after coming back from a big trip.  I always have such high hopes for living a better life.

What I especially find interesting is that I wrote all these things just a month before we were to find out that we were pregnant.  And then a few weeks later my husband was given an official offer to move our family to Virginia.  As I write this (weeks away from our baby's due date) and at a place where we can publicly announce our move, I can't help but find the humor in how I have been prepared for all of this.  That my heart actually seeks after these things when I am not actually knee deep in the change. 

The entry was written on our last day.  We were riding the fairy from Victoria back to Seattle where I wrote:

"Getting off the ferry we walked to the light rail.  Now our third trip through Seattle, it's become so familiar.  It's amazing how quickly new can feel normal.  Each adventure with Brent quickly feels like home as long as we are exploring together.  Sure we get lost and confused but we wouldn't gain the experience if we aren't willing to get lost every once in awhile.  We learn with each adventure, helping us to better navigate our next unknown destination."

If this isn't some weird coincidental foreshadowing to our future, I don't know what is! 

Our adventures so far have been preparing us for our biggest change yet.  An unknown destination of parenting and moving that will surely come with it's challenges.  But an adventure that will grow us, change us, and inspire us to live each day just a little better.