After six years, this chapter of at home with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers comes to an end. We start kindergarten for my oldest and we officially enter in to a new season of school.
Slow days at home. All day in our jammies. Pillow forts, early morning walks, and bike rides. While these things all still remain, they won’t quite be the same.
Sure my kids drive me crazy. And really I’m just a homebody mourning the loss of a free schedule. But as I look at my babies on our last day of summer vacation together I can’t help but get teary eyed. My baby first born. When did he grow up? My only child and companion for 2.5 years as we moved cross country and filled our days with each other.
We still have weekends and school holidays and summer and afternoons (he’ll just be gone half day - I know I’m being dramatic!). But for me it is a marking of something new. A change for our family. A time of growing up and letting go a little more. And a moment to look back at six years of being at home with my babies. And right when I finally feel like I’m getting something down - it’s time for a change.
My heart is proud, happy, and excited for our now school age son. So as I squeeze him tight and tell him I’ll miss him while he’s at school, he says we will still have Saturdays (because Sundays, he says, he has church and will be in his class!).
Motherhood is a mix of love explosion and heartbreak. So as we check off another milestone, (I remind myself I still have 12 more years!) I choose to be present. Put down my phone, stop doing the dishes, put off a thing or two on my to do list. And instead simply cherish these sweet simple moments with my babies.