31 Days of Serving My Husband: Bayside MOPS Speaking Presentation

This last Monday I had the opportunity to speak at a local church's MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers) group on 31 Days of Serving My Husband.  The speaking coordinator for the group found me online and invited me to come share my thoughts on marriage.  This was definitely a new and exciting venture for me.  I have been sensing on my heart a desire to take what I share on this blog and extend it out into real life face to face interaction.  This speaking opportunity was confirmation that women are being encouraged by my words here and it feels like such a blessing to be at a point in blogging where I really sense a clear calling and purpose in my life. 

The event was at Bayside Church, one of the largest Christian churches here in the Sacramento area.  It was quite a privilege to be able to present at such a popular and growing church.  The group consisted of 100+ moms of preschool age children.  At this point in life, many of these women are my peers and it was such an honor to encourage them in their marriages.

The weeks leading up to the event were nerve wracking to say the least.  I have experience in public speaking but it has been over five years since I have been in front of such a large crowd.  But it was a dream come true to stand up in front of a group of women, share my heart, and represent this blog as a brand.  Another check off my blogging dream list that years ago I had big hopes for but never really believed I would get there.

It is hard for me to sometimes take credit for these milestones.  All I want to do is to say thank you to all of you.  Thank you for believing in me.  Thank you for encouraging and supporting.  I think what it comes down to is that I have these dreams but not necessarily the confidence to live them out.  But it is in having friends, readers, and family who encourage, support, and believe in me just enough to push me out of my comfort zone to become the person I want to be.

So all this to say, I rattled my brain on how to represent the message of 31 Days of Serving My Husband in a twenty minute presentation.  It was a good practice for me to narrow down my main focus and really what is truly on my heart specifically when it comes to serving my husband.  Even though it is based on previous content, the message is new so I wanted to be sure to share it online with you all as well. 

But more than anything else, when I watch myself I cannot help but want to share that this is me.  This is how I talk.  This is how I wave my hands around when I am passionate about something.  Behind this computer screen I know that so many of you who I have never met already know me so well.  But I offer you another bridge into my heart and life that you so lovingly welcome here in this online space.

At the end of the day, I sure love my home but I love my husband a whole lot more.  I suppose it's about time I started sharing about that.

And be sure to listen through to the Q&A session at the end.  One of the ladies went ahead and turned the questioning to Brent who was embarrassingly the only man in the room recording this for me.  He got asked what his response to having me do 31 Days of Serving My Husband was like and I am really proud of his answer for being put on the spot.  Oh, the man behind this blog.  He finally gets a voice! 

Here are my discussion questions I gave to the ladies to discuss amongst their table groups.  I invite you to ask yourself these questions and feel free to respond in the comment section.  I would love to hear!

// 1. When it comes to serving your husband, what ways of service come easiest to you? 

// 2. What areas of service are harder for you?  Are there specific areas that your husband needs you that is sometimes difficult for you?

// 3. Do you and your husband know each others love languages?  What is your love language or what comes most naturally to you in giving love?

// 4. How well do you take care of yourself?  What are some areas you could work on this week or month that would help you better take care of yourself for the sake of your marriage?

If you sense a press on your heart to dig into serving your husband better in your marriage, I encourage you to listen to that prompting!  31 Days of Serving My Husband: The Devotional is written for you!  Would you be willing to take 31 days to invest in your marriage?
