Personalized Alphabet Photo Book

For my older nephew's second birthday I had made him a personalized alphabet book.  So when the younger one's second birthday came around, it was only fair that he received the same thing!  Because this auntie cannot show any favoritism!  Though I will say this is the last handmade gift that I have to make so that both boys have received the same things.  Just in time to transfer the aunt guilt to the mom guilt!

I went the easier route this year though and used a pre-made layout from Shutterfly.  It saved this pregnant lady a lot of time!  And I would say it turned out just as cute but in a different way. 

Two years also seems to be a good time to make this sort of book.  I find that I have plenty of pictures to choose from that range from baby to toddler.  Plus this is a good age that they are old enough to have interest in an ABC book. 

The layouts are already made and you just drop in the pictures and can change the text if you want.

I think their mom enjoys these types of gifts the most!  But I hope that years from now they can look back at these books and remember this sweet season they had with their Aunt Ashley!

See more photo book projects here.